The newest member of the F3 family offers shooters faster target acquisition and noticeably less neck and shoulder strain thanks to a combination of a significantly higher rib and a perfectly coordinated stock.
Scroll arabesques frame the animal engravings of the F3 "Vantage" Luxus. Ducks and pheasants form the main motif. The F3 "Vantage" Luxus is also available with pure ornamental engraving.
Partridges and pheasants, elaborately worked into relief and embedded in a filling of leaf arabesques decorate the side plates of the F3 "Vantage" Grand Luxe.
Elegant long side plates with classy engraving characterize the F3 "Vantage" Baronesse. Choose between animal engravings with ducks, pheasants or fine scroll arabesques.
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